NordPac Final Paper Preparation

For authors who have had their abstract accepted, please follow the following instructions for upload your full paper

  1. Download the template according to the track you have entered: (.docx). It has the necessary instructions for formatting, references etc.
    1. Track 1 – Full paper
    2. Track 2  – Extended Abstract
    3. Track 3 – Commercial White paper
  2. Convert to pdf
  3. Upload both versions to our conftool portal
  4. Deadlines:
    1. Track 1: April 30th
    2. Track 2 and 3: May 15th

Preparing your presentation at NordPac

Below is information regarding the preparation of your presentation at NordPac:

  1. Plan your presentation to be 20 minutes, allowing 3-4 minutes for questions (the alloted til per presentation is 24 minutes)
  2. You can present using PowerPoint or Acrobat Reader.
  3. Start the filename with the session code and presentation number (E.g. T1A-3). This will help the chair select the correct presentation. You will receive an e-mail with this information from the organiser.
  4. Put your presentation on a USB memory stick and transfer this to the main PC at least 10 minutes before your session starts.


  1. Do not have too much text on your presentation. Images are better.
  2. Use good quality images
  3. Use large fonts on images and make sure to use a contrasting colour to the background so it is readible.
  4. Please feel free to add the following logos to you presentation
    1. NordPac logo
    2. IMAPS Nordic Logo
    3. IEEE EPS logo
  5. When presenting graphs, make sure that the axis titles and numbers are visible.