Nordpac 2024 – Hybrid photonics workshop program

Date: Wednesday 12 June 2024

Time: 14:15 – 16:45


Time Presenter Topic / title
14:15 – 14:20 Prof. Mircea Guina

Tampere University, Finland

Welcome and introduction
14:20 – 14:40 Dr. Twan Korthorst

Synopsys Photonic IC Solutions

Scalable foundry enablement for electronic and photonic co-design
14:40 – 15:00 Dr. How Yuan HWANG

Tyndall National Institute, Ireland

Integration of photonics components – the common ground with microelectronics
15:00 – 15:20

Dr. Jukka Viheriälä

Tampere University, Finland


Micro-transfer printing for hybrid integration
15:20 – 15:40 Dr. Timo Aalto

VTT, Finland

Silicon photonics platfrom
15:40 – 16:00 Dr. Firehun Dullo

SINTEF, Norway

Monolithic integrated photonics with metasurfaces – COMPAS
16:00 – 16:20 Dr. Jussi Hiltunen

VTT, Finland

Medical application of hybrid systems
16:20 – 16:45 Open session

Prof. Mircea Guina

Project brokerage (1 slide), Q&A and discussion



Biography of presenters

Prof. Mircea Guina

Tampere University, Finland

Prof. Mircea Guina leads the Optoelectronics Research Centre group at Tampere University. He obtained the PhD degree in Physics from the Tampere University of Technology in 2002. Since then, he has been a constant contributor to the advances of laser science and semiconductor technology. Prof. Guina’s research interest currently spans form the development of novel optoelectronic heterostructures using molecular beam epitaxy, advanced semiconductor lasers, hybrid photonic integrated circuits, quantum technology, and laser applications. He has published more than 260 journal papers, eight book chapters, and has an outstanding record in leading large-scale research projects extending from basic science to technology transfer. He has supervised more than 20 PhD theses. He is the recipient of an ERC Advanced Grant, a Fellow of the Optica, a Fellow of SPIE, and a Board of Stakeholders member in Photonics21. Prof. Guina is a renewed promotor of academic-driven entrepreneurship and strategic collaboration with industry. His work concerning innovation and entrepreneurship has been recognized with the Innovation Professor of the Year 2023 award offered by Technology Industries of Finland.

Dr. Twan Korthorst

Synopsis Photnics Solutions

Twan Korthorst is active in the field of chip design and fabrication for non-traditional semiconductor micro and nano technologies (like MEMS, microfluidics, integrated photonics) for almost 30 years. After roles in product engineering and fabrication, he joined PhoeniX Software, a pioneer in developing tools for photonic IC design, in 2007, as the CEO. Twan developed the company into a leading supplier of design solutions for photonic ICs and in February 2018, Synopsys acquired PhoeniX Software, bringing together the industry’s widest portfolio of solutions for designing and manufacturing photonic devices, optical systems, and photonic integrated circuits within one organization. Today, he is responsible for the photonic IC strategy across the company and leads the team developing solutions like OptoCompiler and OptSim.

Dr. How Yuan HWANG

Tyndall National Institute, Ireland

How Yuan HWANG is currently a Senior Researcher in Photonics Packaging and Systems Integration Group at Tyndall National Institute. His experiences include STMicroelectronics, Analog Devices, and A*STAR-Institute of Microelectronics, developing novel and unique electronics and photonics integration technologies over the years. He is an inventor with 4 granted US patents, an author to multiple peer-reviewed articles and an active contributor to conferences and workshops. He is an alumnus of National University of Singapore (B.Eng., M.Sc.) and University College Cork, Ireland (Ph.D.). His interests are electronic-photonic integration, passive optical coupling, and wafer-level packaging.

Dr. Firehun T. Dullo

SINTEF, Norway

Dr. Firehun T. Dullo is a Research Scientist at SINTEF in the department of Smart Sensor and Microsystems. He has a PhD from the UiT-The Arctic University of Norway. He has extensive experience in the field of photonics integrated circuits for applications in sensing and bioimaging.